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Systematic theology for kids that teaches Bible doctrine. Apologetics for kids!

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For Leaders

Lays a Foundation for Learning and Living God's Word

What truths do kids need to know from God’s Word? How do they apply those truths to their lives? Kids4Truth takes kids beyond salvation by discipling them and developing them in their Christian walk.

It is intense truth for young minds. My kids are learning the foundational doctrines straight from the Bible in a fun and engaging way. They should be great apologists for the faith after their years in Kids4Truth Clubs!

Jill Wragg, Saving Grace Bible Church of Osprey, FL

Presents 12 Doctrinal Themes

Each of the 12 doctrinal themes has 10 key truths for the children to memorize for a total of 120 key truths. Each child will review the 120 truths four times as he moves through the four levels. The key truths become more in-depth with each level.

Year 1

God's Word—The Bible

Theme 1: God's Word—The Bible

The Greatness of God

Theme 2: The Greatness of God

The Goodness of God

Theme 3: The Goodness of God

God's View of You

Theme 6: God's View of You
Theme 4: The Trinity

The Trinity

Theme 5: God's Creation

God's Creation

Year 2

God's Gift—Salvation

Theme 9: God's Gift—Salvation
Theme 7: God's Law

God's Law

Theme 8: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

God's Purpose for His Children

Theme 10: God's Purpose for His Children

God's Work—Past and Present

Theme 11: God's Work—Past and Present

God's Plans for the Future

Theme 12: God's Plans for the Future

Ties Everything Together

Kids4Truth Clubs provides lessons for the teacher to present and TruthBooks for the students to work through. The teacher’s guide lessons and all four levels of the TruthBooks are tied together with other facets of the program to foster learning that lasts a lifetime.

Kids4Truth Songbook for 12 Doctrinal Themes
Teacher's Guide for Doctrinal Themes 1–6
Kids4Truth Clubs Level 1 Discoverer Book 1 Treasure Hunts 1–6
Parallels Document - Memorize It! for Doctrinal Themes 1–6

Keeps All the Kids on the Same Page

Each week, all four levels of the TruthBooks cover the same section of the same doctrinal theme so that all kids are learning the same truth. Yet each level of the TruthBooks is age-appropriate, so all the kids learn on their own level. The matching teacher’s guide is user friendly, interactive, and effective in reinforcing the doctrinal themes.

The Kids4Truth program allows you to keep all of your kids, from age 3 all the way up to sixth grade, on the same doctrine learning the same verses on the same week. Jennifer Linscott, Calvary Baptist Church of Rochester, MN

4 TruthBook Levels

Kids4Truth Clubs Level 1 Discoverers

Level 1 Discoverers

Suggested for ages 3–5

Kids4Truth Clubs Level 2 Developers

Level 2 Developers

Suggested for grades 1–2

Kids4Truth Clubs Level 3 Detectives

Level 3 Detectives

Suggested for grades 3–4

Kids4Truth Clubs Level 4 Defenders

Level 4 Defenders

Suggested for grades 5–6

Our team is ready to assist you!Book a discovery call or consultation.

Clubs Program Specialist

Pam Lewis

Curriculum Specialist

RBP Canada

A perfect fit for your church!

Every church has individual needs, goals, and visions. We specialize in creating scenarios unique to each church’s needs. We would love to assist your ministry.

Strengthen Your Kids' Program. Strengthen Your Kids' Lives.

Kids4Truth Clubs is a program like no other! It's much more than memorizing verses. Every aspect of the club program helps students understand what they're memorizing and how it applies to their own lives. It helps them know what they believe and why they believe it!